dijous, 29 de març del 2012


Per practicar vocabulary sobre la ciutat clica AQUÍ


Practicau listening and simple past clicant AQUÍ


Per practicar the alphabet clicau damunt les distintes activitats:





Per practicar com es diu l'hora clica aquí


Per practicar el past simple, tant amb verbs regulars com amb verbs irregulars clica aquí

dijous, 22 de març del 2012

dilluns, 19 de març del 2012

divendres, 16 de març del 2012

Past Simple: Regular and Irregular verbs

A continuació veuràs un power point on s'explica com es forma el Past Simple.

Simple past SONG


dimecres, 14 de març del 2012

Have or has?

Per practicar el have got and has got clicau aquí.

divendres, 9 de març del 2012

ADJECTIVES: Possessive pronouns and adjectives

Click here to learn about possessive pronouns and adjectives.
(primer llegireu una explicació i al final veureu que posa Continue with the exercises, on podreu fer les activitats)

ADJECTIVES: Comparatives and superlatives

Click here to learn more about comparatives and superlatives...
(primer llegireu una explicació i al final veureu que posa Continue with the exercises, on podreu fer les activitats)

SONG: We are the world (by Michael Jackson)

ADJECTIVES: Sinonyms and Antonyms

Click on the image and complete the
course about sinonyms and antonyms...

dijous, 8 de març del 2012

UNIT 4: READING about Greek myths.

Zeus, king of gods 

Zeus was the king of all the gods. Zeus had two brothers: Poseidon, and Hades. When their father died, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades divided the world between themselves. Zeus took the sky, Poseidon took the sea, and Hades took the underworld.
Zeus had a very jealous wife named Hera. He also had a many kids: Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Aphrodite, Hermes, Helen of Troy. His children had special magical powers. Apollo and Artemis were twins.
Zeus was the most powerful god. He could shape shift and look like anybody, for example an animal. He could throw lightning bolts. Pegasus was his horse.
Zeus had a quick temper, and a big sense of humor.

The Trojan horse

Once upon a time, a long time ago, there was an ancient city named Troy. Troy was located on the coast of Asia, across the sea from the Greek city-state of Sparta. 
One day, a Greek general, Odysseus, had a tricky idea. "We'll leave a gift for Troy, a gift to announce the end of the war, a wooden horse with 30 men hidden inside. At night, these men can open the gate of Troy!" 
When it was ready, the Greeks brought the huge wooden horse to Troy's city. The Trojan king said, "It's so beautiful! Let's keep it forever as a reminder of our victory!" 
That night, while the Trojan people were sleeping, the 30 Greek men climbed out the horse and opened the gates of Troy. The Greek army came inside. That was the end of Troy.